Black haunted-obsession

I like blue colour. I mean real blue like light blue dark blue baby blue n seangkatannye but not turqoise. NO! I actually like a lot of other colours but not favourite. But there is one colour that keeps haunting me 😂😂😂

Its BLACK! Whenever i went shopping for handbags shoess or purses, my eyes scanned all the things but i always ended up with black. And of course my brain would rationalize that black goes with all colours and bla bla bla...... and eventually i am paying for that black. Pffftttttt 😭

I mean i like other colours too 😂... i like white coz it looks clean n neat but then i cannot afford to keep the white thing stays white 😂😂😂😂..... and then there is blue my feveret, pink, purple and all but then u know those colours kenot match a lot of outfits.i mean can u wear green top with electric blue handbag???? 😂😂😂

I think i can overcome this when i make lots of money n buy everything matches each other. Done. Black problem is finish. HAHAHAHAHA 'while crying over empty purse'

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