shortvacay to #PerhentianIsland day 1

Perhentian...was a good memory and i bet every time i go there after this i will remember this first time moment 😃😃😃. i regret for not writing this right after balik dari perhentian, when the memory was sooo freshh. but then i will regret more if i dont write this at all, sooo here goess everythinggg !

we went to Perhentian in a pax of 8, 2 guys and 6 girls, all classmates no strangerr and noo handsome boyss 😎😎😎...... and decided to take the camping package at RM160 per person for 3 days 2 night. I dont really know the travel agency, was it Aina travel or something like that laa coz i wasnt the one who arranged all that but i remember the word "Aina". hehe. 

at first, i wasnt really interested to go to the island coz i dont know how to swim and plus i was reallly scared to go into the sea because i cant see the bottom but when i can see the bottom i still scared too because my feet cant reached it. hahahahahahah... so in short, going to island was not my priority but then, i decided to atleast ride the boat and have a nice camping trip on that island sebab they still insist on me going there and lagipun i like camping.... and you know what?  IT WAS FUN.I EVEN FELT SO SAD TO ACTUALLY LEAVE THE ISLAND BECAUSE IT WAS SOOOOOOOOO BEAUTIFUL!. and i even thought on going for the second time coz I was too scared to join the snorkeling activities during that time.

when i write this i still cannot forget the beach 😂😂😂.too beautiful.Subhanallah!

on our way to Perhentian Kecil. crowded boat.heh

after dah hantar semua passenger the boat was ourssss! *I never let go the tiang

oh forgot to mention. we chose to camp at Perhentian Kecil. so other passenger on that boat tu stay kat island lain. sampai je kat sana terus cari khemah campak beg semua, forget the promised electricity, forget drinking water and ready to go to the famous windmill 💨💨. ok campsite sebijik.

susunan dia cntik sbnrnye tapi campers sekalian telah merosakkan keindahannye 😃


this was captured during our hard-earned hiking to the windmill which we thought it will involved A LITTLE HIKING BUT ACTUALLY NO. we almost gave up.....atleast aku laaa.I almost gave up.HAHA!! imagine laa kitorg perempuan pakai gaya noob tourist cantik-cantik-sebab-nak-tangkap-gambar-like-tipikal-girlss tetibe kene hiking. almost felt like hiking that Bukit Keluang at Besut but tougher sebab panass.nasib baik tak pakai dress or skirts or heels!

nampak tu! the jalan is open and panass and I even wore sunglasses to hike kalah tourist mat salleh. kah!

yang paling kelakar is I really thought kitorang hike nak tengok windmill tu but we dont actually took pictures with it. sekeping pun tak hadoooo...actually we hike for the stairsssss.

the famous spot. the stairsssssssssssss. the long broken,rusty stairss 😂

 nampak stairs kat belakang kitorg tu. tu skit je sebab dh nak smpai bwh, before here, too many to count. kalau aku pegi lagi sekali pun aku akan pikir 2-3 kali jugak laa. hahahahahahahaah. penat hoii nak naik balik. kebanyakan orang tak trun smpai bawah situ pun. kami je yang gigih lepastu naik semput. againn, aku la tu =..=

kalau korang nampak la pondok atasssss sekali yg dkat dgn langit tu start kau rasa?? 

so then, selepas bervideo berslomo dan berbagai bagai, kitorang pun turun dengan gelojohnye sebab haus gila. mau kau tak haus. air paip pun kitorang redo jer padahal aku ada air dalam beg tapi sebab air paip tu diletakkan dalam ais maka minumlah jugak.hahhahahahahahaha. nyampah tau 😔😔😔

lepastu bermula lah kisah the promised electricity is not really a promise. hahahah. benda ni boleh expect sbnrnye sebab kt pulau mane nak dapat full electricity tapi memasing taknak terima kenyataan kan bawak jugak rice cooker tapi sbnrnye rice cooker tu penyelamat jugak sebab periuk dia.maka berpengakap lah kami di tepi khemah 😂💆💆. cuma boleh cas fon sahajaaaaaa. tu pun jenuh duk tanya sampai dia bagi 😠😠😠

haa, tengokkkk.kemain bunga api show diaa budak tasha ngan fahim neh. habis periukk akuu 😒

first night ni kitorg ber bbq. ayam semua mmg kitorg bawak sndiri dari mainland dh siap perap. haa, bayanglah banyak gila barang bawak kann 😂😂😂. sampai ice box pun kitorg bawak.jangan memainnn. nasib ada dua org tukang bwk brg sebab kalau gugurls je kitorg bwk megi ngan roti jek lpastu spare duit 😁😁😁. sebab makanan kt pulau mmg mahal kkkk. 

so malam tu lepas makan kitorg berjalan sebentar.tunggu pesta bulan sbnrnye 😂 tapi senyap je mlm tu so lepas jalan jap trus balik khemah tido. penat hiking siang tadi tapi sbnrnye aku takleh tido pun malam tu sebab takde angin langsung 😰😰 lepastu nyamuk takyah cakap aaa, berterbangan di telinga. tak tahu macam mana tasha ngan aisyah  ni boleh tido. aku asyik terjaga je rase nak free hair turun pantai 😂.... 

nasib baik henfon tasha terang lagi benderang di malam hari

sori nampak kitorang je,cahaya tak cukup nak tnjuk pantai 

sekumpulan makcik-makcik berjalan di pantai 😂😂😂. kalau dah selekeh tu pegi memane je selekeh jugak 😂😂😂

so next day, snorkelinggggg. cont.........

*anyone interested to go to perhentian, bolehlah search kat ig perhentian_backpakers.... ex-classmate iols, trusted agent k.he's been doing that since we were at unisza til now.

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