kenangan #1 : matric's cheat time

salam ramadhan semua.

i puasa and raya sepenuh-penuhnya kat rumah tahun ni. sejak masuk universiti ni, tiap2 tahun puasa and raya kat rumah. tak pernah lagi dpt sambut kat uni. tak pernah rasa puasa kat uni. sedihnyee~~~

last dpt sambut ramadhan kat tempat belajar is masa kat matrik. gosh, i miss that moment! sebab bila kat rumah, i memang tak pernah jejak kaki kat bazar la. eh, adala sekali dua kot. tu pun beli air jek. xpernahla rase nak pusing satu bazar mcm masa kat mtrik dulu2 tu. fuhh, i really misszzz that time.

but i dont want to share about puasa at matrik lahh. i would like to share one of the memory yg i rasa paling tak senonoh dan rasa mcm budak nakal sgt masa kat matrik dulu. haha! it has been about almost 3 years since i graduated from matric. practically graduated tapi takdak certification apa so xleh nak tnjuk bukti laa. aaaa~

soooo, cheat time.... ke cheat moment? ke cane? ekceli takdela cheat sgt tapi kitorg buat mcm2 benda kalau dah terlampau mengantuk dalam kelas. kang tido nampak jelas lagi nyata pulak. heheh.

kembali ke zaman kanak-kanak?

any kind of shapes yg kitorg boleh pikirkan

mengasah bakat melukis?

annnd many more. kerana laptop i dh banyak kali kene format, so tak byk gambar yg boleh di saaaddd. 

and u think we only do drawing?heyyy, look below aaa. yang ni aku rasa betol lah cheat time kott. hahah. 

konon-konon ko tgh tgok buku shankar kannnn. haha. sory mate! hihhi

sory too! hihi

okayy, that man was the king. he never had energy. huhu

and this one did a good job.covering her face. haha

and attached some paper clips too. hahah

cubaan untuk jadi cute dengan that little ribbon

annnnnnd busting operations.... hohoho. i think its more to eating ops. haha. kau rasa makan kuih and minum mango shake dalam kelas lab tu bersalah sgt dahhh??? mai tengok rasa bersalah yg sebenar. 

i caught u girllll... u eating nasik lemak!!
muka die memg nmpk mcm kene busted sgt kannn??

i caught u tooooo wan ..... yang ni lagi pawer, duduk depan sekali kottt. 

and someone caught me on the last day. cuma i ada hulubalang cover kan. so tak rase bersalah sgt aaa.

well eventually, being nakal is not dat baadd u know. korang rase nakal kitorg ni skit sgt jek? klau kenakalan kau smpai tak pegi kelas berminggu2 tapi xdpt surat amaran  xyah bangge sgt la. those memories u cannot capture. sape plak nak cpture kau tido atas katil time kelas? ye dak? 

and ofkos, the end of the story, do not try dis at home. HAHAHA! says the one who did this and still say its a good memory. blergghh. hashtag KemenesInHeart . 

i think i still live with the past. huhu.

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