8 January 2015

second post for this year

it is 12.29 am and im still awake because i got one last final paper tomorrow morning at 9am.

honestly, i cant think much at the moment

i only think about  packing my luggages. hahahahahaha. i am not that excited to go back home but im just happy that i can finally packing my bags and moving out from tembila for a while.

i stuck at tembila for a semester and it feels like forever. and so yes, im happy. just the thought of packing bags is enough to make me forgot the burden of the last paper

the hardest last paper without any tips or anything

even so, my head feels so calm and relax.

anyway, i should continue reading and memorizing my last paper notes or im gonna regretting things over and over again. bye

0 pipel pipel:

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