holidays and me

well yeah , happy holiday to degree student dan yang sewaktu dengannye . holiday yang di nanti-nantikan selepas berhempas pulas facing that , this and those killer papers . paper AKIDAH & AKHLAK PON BOLEH JADI KILLER . homaiii =..= . dah lebih seminggu cuti start ghasenye , at least student UniSZA course biotech laaaaa . not you not them and else yang tak habis paper lagiiii . 

i personally don't really like holidays . long holidays . like this , a month . actually it IS short . feel like a tooo long holidays sebab tak buat hapehape , menternak lemak dan eyebag , and hape lagi segala yang tak bagus . should find a job . yeah . 

anyway , this time , i think my holiday will be fill with some activities including engagement event's invitations . haaaa , bolehlah masuk list . at leassstt , i've got some place to go . at leaassst . shadaapp you . i rarely go to the wedding or engagement event so don't know how to adapt with the situation .kahkahkah , adapt sangaat . well , i don't know how to describe it . setakat ni , even my cousin's wedding pun tak dapat nak pergi . itu sangat sedih hokay . sobs sobs sobs ...... mohon lepas ni kahwen ikut  jadual aku pulak . errrr ,

so , HAPPY HOLIDAY  again to olls .
*tibetibe ghase mcm nak pi pantai sebab duk trganu dikelilingi pantai*
*gelak gaya cek minggg*

p/s : harapharap le reunion schoolmates yg dikehendaki itu menjadi hendaknye . hohohoho . doa lah semua ye .
lagi p/s : entry dah berkulat dalam draft

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